Our Services

Teeth Whitening

·    Teeth Whitening

Brighter and whiter teeth are very important for everyone. Bright and white teeth are essential to impress other people and boost self confidence. That is why more and more people are getting teeth whitening treatment as it is the best way to whiten teeth. It is a safe procedure carried out by dentists by bleaching. Teeth whitening can lighten the colour of the teeth by several shades. Teeth whitening procedure takes approximately one to two hours and it can give instant results. Longevita dentists in Turkey benefit from best teeth whitening technology by implementing laser technique. After bleaching product is applied on the teeth, a laser is shone on the bleaching product so that whitening is activated.


Contracted  dentists have performed laser teeth whitening in Turkey very successfully for hundreds of patients who travelled from abroad. Low teeth whitening cost in Turkey is very convenient for people who cannot get it done due to high teeth whitening cost in the UK and USA.

Cheap Teeth Whitening in Turkey

·         English-speaking, certified dentists with international experience

·         Latest laser teeth whitening technology

Laser Teeth Whitening

PROCEDURE:  Laser-activated bleaching gel is applied for whitening teeth


LENGTH: 1 to 2 hours


ANESTHESIA: None needed


SİDE EFFECTS: Sensitivity during and/or after treatment, gum irritation


RESULT LASTS: Permanent (depends on patient’s diet)


What is Teeth Whitening?

Laser teeth whitening is a procedure to brighten the colour of teeth without removing tooth surface. Most dental clinics offer two types of whitening:

·         Laser Teeth Whitening

·         Professional home teeth whitening kits


Both procedures depend on bleaching process which uses bleaching gels of different strength (3%-30% peroxide). The higher the concentration of peroxide in the gel, the more powerful it is. Although higher concentration gel is more effective at teeth whitening, it may cause more side effects such as sensitivity and damage to the surrounding gum tissue and lips.


Contraindications of Teeth Whitening
Tooth whitening might be contraindicated for those;

·         People less than 16 years old, because the pulp chamber is thicker, making teeth more sensitive during the whitening process.

·         Pregnant or lactating women.

·         People who have sensitive teeth or gums, including sensitivity related to gingival recessions or defective fillings.

·         People who are allergic to peroxide.

·         People suffering from gingivitis, periodontitis, or advanced cavities.

·         Treatments (fillings), crowns, or veneers do not bleach with peroxide. They should be redone if there are differences in the whiteness at the end of the treatment.

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