Our Services

Dental Implants

·     Dental Implants

Dental implants, also known as teeth implants, which function and look like normal teeth, serve as replacements of natural teeth. Dental implants or teeth implants are one of the most performed dental works in Turkey and abroad. Dental implants in Turkey are performed for a patient who has one or more missing teeth. There are many benefits of having dental implants in Turkey with Contracted hospital. Dental implants are cavity resistant and they can last for a lifetime if they are well taken care of. They can prevent bone loss and they do not have negative influence on neighbouring teeth. Furthermore, they improve speech, restores natural smile and retains youthful appearance.

Dental Implants in Turkey

· ·     Best quality dental implants abroad

·         Affordable dental implants

·         Leading English-speaking and experienced dentists

·         Successful results

Dental Implants in Details

PROCEDURE:  Place a metal post made of titanium surgically into the jawbone and restore with fixed or removable prosthesis


LENGTH: 2 to 3 hours: first appointment (surgery)


ANESTHESIA: Local or local with sedation


SİDE EFFECTS: Swelling, discomfort, bruising


RISK: Unexpected reaction to anaesthetic, infection, excessive bleeding, nerve damage, sinusitis


RECOVERY:  Back to work: 2 to 4 days . Full integration between implant and jawbone: 6 weeks to 6 months


RESULT LASTS: Over 30 years

What are Teeth Implants?

A tooth implant is an artificial tooth replacement. Made from titanium, an implant is well tolerated by bone and fuses with bone tissue. Aim of teeth implants surgery is to attain a close contact between the outer surface of the implant and the encompassing bone tissue so they are osseointegrated together. As a result strong support for the new teeth is achieved.


Contraindications of Teeth Implants
Teeth implants are contraindicated in following patient groups:

Heart diseases affecting the valves

Severe cardiac inadequacy, cardiomyopathy

Active cancer, certain bone diseases

Certain immunological diseases, AIDS, those who are awaiting an organ transplant

Strongly irradiated jaw bones

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